The First United Methodist Church UMW recently expressed their appreciation to Barbara Mauldin for serving over 30 years as unit Treasurer.
Over her time of membership in UMW she has held many offices in the unit as well as in the District and Conference. She has also held offices in many community and professional organizations from which she has had to resign because of her health but has continued her office with the UMW, with the help of her daughter Melanie, because of its projects and missions that help women and children in need throughout the nation and the world. She recently said,
“I encourage any woman to become involved because this is an organization that really enriches the lives of not only it's members but also improves and changes the lives of those we serve.”
The ladies of the UMW have been blessed by Mrs. Mauldin’s leadership, friendship, grace and beaming smiles. We are so grateful for her years of service and we still look forward to working with her as a voice of experience and guidance!