Welcome to First Church Dayton. We are a thriving community of faith seeking to share with our neighbors and the world the hope we have in Christ Jesus. Throughout every week we have opportunities to explore the scriptures, examine our personal relationship with God, encourage one another and reach out to others. Won’t you join us on your journey of faith?
The following classes are on Sundays
at 10:00 am:
Ketchersid Sunday School Class:
This class studies books of the Bible using study guides by David Guzik (enduringword.com) as well as other commentaries. The class takes a verse-by-verse approach to explore how the message was understood at the time it was written and how we can apply it to our lives. All ages are welcome.
Upper Room
This class has adults from 19-65, singles, and married. The mixture of ages adds to the richness of our study and conversations. The group enjoys meeting outside of class. We enjoy doing life together and hold each other accountable outside of church. It is an interactive class where everyone is encouraged to share their insights, but it is not required. We have studied books together, but mostly we do topical studies and rely on the Word of God to guide every class. Come and join us. We would love to have you!
Women's Bible Study
At First Church, Upper Room
Mondays at 7:00 PM
Zoom Adult Bible Study
Wednesdays,11:00 am – 12:00
Text Cyndie: 423-240-0187
Adult Bible Study
Wednesdays at 6:00 pm.
In the Ketchersid Room
Led by Pastor Layne
Food, Fellowship, and Fun:
Senior adults enjoy a covered dish luncheon in the church fellowship hall on the second Sunday of each month following the 11:00 am service. On the fourth Thursday of each month, seniors board the bus or drive vans and cars to restaurants in the greater Chattanooga area for a night out. The mealtimes together provide opportunities for seniors to visit and to encourage one another.
Current information is posted in the bulletin.
Faith Ministries Meal Prep and Delivery: (8 a.m. - noon)
Each Tuesday morning community volunteers gather in the church kitchen to use their skills to prepare hot meals for area shut-ins. Portioned, then packed, about 145 meals are delivered to individuals along three routes throughout the county.