Greetings and welcome,
When the communications team, recognized the need for an updated website, I welcomed the opportunity to be involved. I saw “blog” as a part of the structure for our website, but I was a little unsure what was needed in that drop-down so I used my energies to work on other sections of the website.
While reading The Daniel Plan today, the words, “Have the courage to take another step forward into new territory” jumped out at me. Many times I have uttered the prayer of Jabez “Oh, Lord, bless me indeed and expand my territory.” I thought perhaps blogging is my “new territory,” but I needed to know more about it before I could get started. I learned that one of the parts of a blog could be an online journal written in an informal or conversational style. The blogger would share views or information about a particular subject. The main purpose of a blog is to connect and engage with a target audience.
Certainly that explanation made perfect sense for why a blog should be on a church website. What a wonderful way for a congregation to bond while reading and writing with one another! Readers and writers could be part of a personal conversation which shares Christian attitudes, experiences and suggestions for affirming God’s love. The audience might be moved to action by the words of the writer. So, yes, I decided to venture out to initiate the on-line journal aspect of our blog by writing my thoughts.
The topic of this blog is “Love in Action.” I like the words of I John 3:18 in the Contemporary English Version, “You show love for others by truly helping them, and not merely by talking about it.” That command is on my mind in these perilous times. There are lots of good ideas out there for things to do to “love your neighbor as yourself.” This blog is asking you to follow through on at least 2 of the 4 ideas given for this week.
Light an enclosed candle during all your waking hours to remind you that Jesus is the Light of the World and that we as Christians are to carry that light on this earth. You may know that blue stars and gold stars hanging in windows of military families during the world wars were a continual reminder of service and support. Use a candle as your continual reminder of the love and light of Jesus. Let it be a sign of solidarity with other Christians and as a reminder to reach out to those around you.
Pray for: (1) healthcare heroes whose compassion motivates them to serve, (2) victims and families of victims affected by the virus, (3) essential workers on the front lines in our communities, (4) government leaders and public health professionals that they will make good decisions, (5)faith leaders and their work in shepherding their congregation and community, and (6)anxious children and adults that they may know the peace and presence of God. “Prayer is not a substitute for action. Prayer is an action for which there is no substitute.”
Make 1 call or text each day. A friend of mine told me about her next door neighbor, a widow for many years. At the end of one day, the neighbor saw her on the porch and came over. “I just couldn’t go all day without hearing a human voice.” I encourage you to not let a neighbor or friend experience a day without hearing a human voice, especially in this day of “social distancing” and quarantining.
Support local merchants by buying (by mail) gift certificates to be redeemed after the pandemic is over. Call them on the phone or surprise them with a letter and check telling them of your concern for them.
It was a famous athlete who said “Just Do It!” I repeat those words to you. Take at least 2 of the suggestions and put your love in action. Just Do It!
I don’t know the proper length for a blog, but I decided about 700 words sounded right. I thought if I could write that much, and more importantly, if you would stay with me that long, it would be a good beginning into a “new territory.”
And then there was the question of a name – both for the blog and the writer. The words from Esther, “For Such a Time as This” seemed oh, so appropriate for a title. And what about a pen name for me? Since Pollyanna and Goody Two-shoes were already taken, I decided on …
A Friend of Esther,
Thank you for stepping into new territory and being the first one to share on the new blog. This is a great opportunity for us to get to know each other better and to encourage each other. Thank you for the encouraging word!