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Remember the Waltons?

I look forward to many folks sharing on this internet platform. Just a few years ago I could never have imagined using the word “platform” when referring to a digital application for transmitting a message. Well, a few years ago I could not have imagined pressing a key and having your message sent through the air. I remember distinctly the day I sent my first email. Actually, I remember the day I made my first long-distance telephone call.

Technology has changed the world! But nothing changes the truth of the Word. “The grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our God will stand forever.” Isaiah 40:8 (English Standard Version)

I’m calling this post, “Remember the Waltons?” because I want to use that old tv. show to give some parameters for submissions to our blog. Hopefully, these guidelines will help you feel confident about putting your ideas on paper. (Well, I guess that’s really “putting your ideas in the air.”)

Every episode of the Waltons began with John Boy reading from his journal telling about an important lesson the family had learned through a particular person or happening. The lesson was always a wholesome, honest, uplifting message about right living.

As I thought of the Waltons, I reflected on how that family lived through the uncertainty of WWII and of the family’s service and sacrifice. Do you remember -- which one of those Walton boys did the family pray for after he was taken prisoner in the Pacific? While our generation is being asked to fight an invisible enemy, we, like those in other generations, are learning and have learned many lessons that can be an encouragement to others in these uncertain times.

Will you share your words knowing the spirit of this blog is: to glorify God, to unify the church with a closer bond of love, and to provide uplifting and encouraging posts. (That’s another computer word – not a fence post, but a written message.)

The blog is not a forum for political, controversial, or defamatory statements. I’m not sure where such thoughts can be shared. Perhaps a tree stump would be the proper platform.

Please contribute to the blog. Share your words, include a picture if you choose, make a video or other creative entry. Print the words of a poem or lyrics of a song. And if you do, remember to acknowledge the authors or sources in order to abide by copyright laws and to avoid orange jumpsuits.

In an earlier blog I had said that 700 words would be a good maximum for a blog post. I would also say that 50 words could just as easily convey an inspirational message.

Please send your posts to Angela Akers ( She has agreed to proofread them and make any necessary edits. She is a professional proofreader, you know. Include your name and a pen name if you prefer it be used with your post.

This is not a contest where an entry is “chosen.” The plan is that every Wednesday a new post will be uploaded. (That’s computer terminology for putting a new message on the webpage.) When you send so many posts that we can add a new one more often, we will.

Today, I’m asking you the remember The Waltons. In years to come, you will be asked to remember the Pandemic of 2020 and tell what you learned. I hope some of the things you tell will include words shared on this blog.

A Friend of Esther,


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